Saturday, March 23, 2013

Who am I?'s been a really looooongggg time since I've blogged. I recently managed to gain access to my yeah. Why do I blog? Cause I just feel like it.

Hi, I'm a free-spirited girl, happy-go-lucky, and perhaps the biggest Bones fan you'll ever meet. I have been a fan of the show from almost three years ago, and I loathe anyone who criticises my obsession with Bones. I'm just the way I am. Deal with it.

I'm a true Malaysian, recently migrated to Australia. I used to be Head Girl of my previous school. Make that the FIRST Head Girl of Regent International School, and I'm proud of it. I used to be fat, but I've lost thirteen kilos in the past year!!!! Love Bones and Booth and their adorable baby girl. Christine Angela Booth. Somebody get this two married!!!!

So yeah. That's me.

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